Ideas, Policies, Opinions


Anticomp Folkilation

For years and years I looked for this album. Seriously, about ten years of off and on searching for this. I posted about my futile search on twitter and someone reached out to me that he might have the CDs laying around in his house somewhere. Sure enough, he got back to me with a digitized link. To my knowledge, this is the only place on the internet where it is possible to download this album. Please enjoy it as much as I have. The link will take you to a Google Drive link!

We Live in a Society EP

 My old pal Jake Ringer created a set of 5 songs and uploaded videos of them to instagram. All but the leading track are originals. I did some light editing and uploaded them here as a zip for you to download. He’s majorly talented, and I hope you give it a shot!

Society on the Basis of Mutual Life Insurance

This is a weird upload, but I found this document mentioned in a book introduction I was reading and couldn’t find it anywhere. After some deep looking into the depths of the internet, it turns out that the author included the wrong date in their citation (off by 2 years), and the essay itself is practically impossible to find. I included it here for anyone who might be doing the same search as me.